• Welcome

      Welcome to the DISCS Education e-learning environment. Here you will find our own developed e-learning courses that have everything to do with document examination. Reliable identity documents are an important factor in the national decision-making process and in international border control. You are needed to quickly and accurately assess the authenticity of these breeder documents. We explain the steps you can take to carry out a successful check.

      Do not forget we work with reliable information, it is important that you do not simply share your account details with anyone else.

      We wish you much success and fun with these modules!

Available courses


Course categoryCategory 1

Zie je tijdens jouw werk regelmatig reis- of brondocumenten, zoals: paspoorten, identiteitskaarten, geboorteaktes, huwelijkaktes of andere papieren die een rechtsfeit aantonen? Leer met deze blended training hoe je de echtheid onderzoekt. Om aan deze training te starten is geen voorkennis vereist. Wel heeft de training het grootste effect als je in de praktijk dit onderzoek kunt toepassen tijdens je voorstudie en DISCS raadpleegt om de terminolgie te bestuderen. Aan het einde van deze training kan je zelfstandig eerstelijnsdocumentcontrole uitvoeren doordat je weet welke soorten misbruik mogelijk zijn, hoe je dit herkent en wanneer vervolgonderzoek nodig is. 

First line document control

Course categoryCategory 1

Do you regularly see travel or source documents, such as: passports, identity cards, birth certificates, marriage certificates or other papers that prove a legal fact during your work? Learn how to investigate authenticity with this blended training. No prior knowledge is required to start this training. However, the training will have the greatest effect if you can apply this research in practice during your preliminary study and consult DISCS to study the terminology.     
At the end of this training, you will be able to independently perform first-line document control because you will know what types of abuse are possible, how to recognize them and when follow-up investigations are needed.